Do not rent this movie - you have been warned!!!
16 June 2007
After seeing all the awards this movie had won I got it out expecting something special. This is a dreadful movie. It never started, just droned on and on. The main character's diction/accent is so poor it's hard to make out a word he said. But after rewinding it, we realised it wasn't worth hearing anyway.

And I can't believe another user thought the acting was good! It was ABYSMAL. In one of the first scenes we see the Templar Knights discuss how they will react to the Islamic King's actions - apart from one actor the rest of the cast give truly cringe-worthy performances.

This is definitely one to leave on the shelf. Embarrassingly, my guests also thought it was spectacularly rubbish.

To be honest you'd be better off watching Colin Farrell as Alexander the Celt (What? Alexander wasn't Irish?!) - yes, it is that bad!!!!

(RE: User comment by Dyxrum regarding the Da Vinci Code

Although I'm no fan of Dan Brown or his work, the Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction and as such must be quite well written as it topped the bestseller lists for quite a while - so maybe the 12 year old comment is a tad O.T.T. Surely it's the mislead people who regard the Da Vinci Code as a work of nonfiction that you're referring to - not to the work of fiction itself. So before you get on your high horse take a look at your own 'know all' review!)

(RE: Comparisons to Kingdom of Heaven

Come on they're not really comparable...the plot's so simplistic it's better suited to kids than adults - big budget: no brainer. On the other hand, Soldier of God is meant to be cultured/high-brow. My opinion? Dull as dishwater.)
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