World of Warcraft (2005 Video Game)
A worthwhile addition to the WoW universe
20 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I resisted purchasing this expansion for awhile due to the inevitable bugs I thought would be present in it. Any new addon will have them. I'm glad I did hold off, though in retrospect, all I did was save money for a few months.

Burning Crusade (BC) is a welcome addition to World of Warcraft that adds an entire new continent (Outland) to the WoW universe. The new continent is as interesting as the old ones and perhaps a little more imaginative. The mushroom forest swamp of Zangarmarsh and The Blade's Edge Mountains are particularly well done.

That said, anyone familiar with WoW will feel immediately at home here, providing their characters are of sufficient level to survive the rigours of Outland. However, the quests are really more of the same that you should be used to by now from WoW. Gathering, killing, deliveries etc. There are a few more imaginative quests, such as placing markers, bombing runs and so on, but mostly more of the same.

I think Blizzard made a point of stating that players would take as long to get to level 70 from level 60 as they did to get to level 60 in the first place. This is a complete nonsense. If anything, I found the quests in Outland to be substantially easier to accomplish than many of the old WoW quests. In part, I suspect this is due to the giant leap in equipment power that occurs in Outland. Be prepared to have dumped most of your old kit (barring higher Tier stuff) by the time you've finished the first zone (Hellfire Peninsula). Even the standard "green" drops and quest rewards you get here are often much better than many "blue" items from WoW.

This doesn't mean that you can go back to Azeroth after a few levels and run rings around Onyxia solo, but things will be a lot easier to accomplish. Dig out all those old quests that you gave up on and try them again.

With the new expansion has come the problem of finding enough people for certain old WoW group quests. Everyone disappears off to Outland as soon as they are able, leaving many struggling to get people together for Strat runs and the like. Join a good Guild and hope they do regular runs for members.

All in all, though a reasonably good addition to the WoW universe. However, as of writing, there are so many 70's on the server (Doomhammer) that I wonder what Blizzard will do next to keep players interested.
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