Review of Under Heaven

Under Heaven (1998)
Surprisingly excellent
2 August 2007
Lifetime movies have several themes which are employed repetitively --- the sociopath who works his/her way into a family and then intends to create mayhem; the spouse with a past completely unknown to his/her significant other; the occasional coming together by a couple who begin as rivals or combatants; etc., etc.

But one thread which seems common to most, and is present here, is some sort of intended duplicity by one or more of the characters. Here, the young couple who enter the life of the attractive, successful, terminal lead character, at first intend simply to dupe her for financial gain. And you'd expect the typical Lifetime fare to proceed in a one-dimensional manner towards this end.

But this picture has much more than you expect, in contract to the usual.

Firstly, the cast can actually act, Secondly, the characters are not drawn ridiculously "over-the-top," and ring true. Thirdly, the story is actually believable and interesting. Finally, the characters are actually persons about whom the viewer can "care," and with whom one can empathize.
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