Review of Rear Window

Rear Window (1954)
Still a fave after 4 viewings
2 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Rear Window - I was lucky enough to see this on the big screen in the 90s.The DVD is a great transfer of one of Hitchcock's most suspenseful,funny and interesting flicks.Jimmy Stewart is an adventurous photographer spending downtime in a legcast after an on the job mishap.He spends his time watching his neighbors while under the care of an insurance nurse(the always engaging Thelma Ritter) and his girlfriend(Grace Kelly looking absolutely lovely-including a breathtaking and perfect entrance).Stewart is a voyuer -watching the wannabe ballerina traipse around in her bikini or less,watching the newlyweds,the salesman and his wife quarrel,Miss Lonelyhearts,a couple that sleeps under the stars- we drink in his entertainment-a full feast complimented by excellent sound design and a visual wit that too many suspense films leave on the cutting room floor.This movie is based on a Cornell Woolrich short story and mixes elements of a true crime from the UK with a romance.The DVD has a 50 minute documentary on the making of the movie and the casting.The Jimmy Stewart character feels like a third take on his George Bailey persona-or a mix of George Bailey and Macauly Connor-as his arguments with Lisa Freemont reel like cynical remixes of some of his arguments with Tracey Lords(Katherine Hepburn) in Philadelphia Story.A must own for fans of suspense and great story-telling. A+
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