Review of Sicko

Sicko (2007)
intriguing documentary
12 August 2007
Flicking through Michael Moore's previous films, if you were caught in his cross hairs, you automatically needed your "Foot-in-the-door O Matic", to sever his leg if he came knocking at your door; as shown in once part of Sicko, the Big Cheeses' don't like being in the next Michael Moore film. Moore is an angry man, and he wants his results when he is asking why something isn't right. Sicko yet is Moore's less intrusive film to date, being he is not the main flag waver here. Unlike previous film Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore pushes himself to the background, and lets the people's voice through, and their horror stories with battling the American Healthcare System.

As Moore simply states at the beginning of Sicko, this is not a film about all the millions of American's who have no health insurance what so ever, this is about all the people how are actually covered by the HMO, or so they think. Sicko is one film that really makes your stomach churn in revolt, and the ending result of feeling just plain sick. The stories told by those covered who felt so secure by their HMO, are truly horrific. Just when they think all is well and be covered for the hospital bill, they better think again. Excluding care for the most trivial problems, or if nothing is wrong, the Health Insurance will find a way to deny you. The private health system, big money with little to none care given. The Ultimate Money Game should be the actual name of the American Healthcare System, to no wonder why they are so low on the world standard for Healthcare.

Moore presents something truly horrific in Sicko, that does speak to everyone. We all have people we love, and it's a terrifying that so many people in the American Healthcare System worry more about the bill or being thrown out to the gutter, then receiving the care they ask for. Sicko is one film also being an Australian, they should all see, as when the Australian Healthcare is slowly being privatised and morphing into one resembling that of America, it's enough to take a lesson from the French and fill those streets.
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