Awful! And not "in a good way", either!
13 August 2007
I am generally a fan of B-grade and even Z-grade sci-fi, but I should have stuck with my gut feeling on this one. I bought it as part of a four-movies-on-one-disc DVD at Walmart, and my gut told me not to because these movies were in "color", almost always a bad sign with dollar dvds. Furthermore, sci-fi from the 1950s generally does NOT work in color, even if the print is passable. Movies about aliens should be in black & white, IMO, because it gives a better feel for the time in which they were made. Even so, I could forgive a bad print, color or B&W, if there was something redeemable about the film. I don't ask for much in my dollar dvds, just some requisite cheesiness at the very least, and an end-of-the-world scenario that is suitably terrifying.

This movie, I am sorry to report, has none of that. It is just plain rotten on all fronts, and the doomsday scare consists of a guy staring through a telescope at a planet that approaches Earth, giving reports as it closes in.

"Warning From Space" has nothing to recommend it whatsoever, and if it were not for the hottie who walks through walls and dematerializes herself, I would not have made it through the film.

This one makes "Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like it was directed by Tarkovsky.
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