The good news is there are five good laughs in this movie.
7 September 2007
The bad news is they keep on repeating them over and over and over and over again until they are no longer funny. At 93 minutes, it feels like it ran 186 minutes.

I don't enjoy bad mouthing a film. These people, obviously, are trying. But with so many "10" votes and comparing it to "Best In Show"; I felt I had to warn people.

The chances are very good you won't enjoy this film. Some of the situations are so forced as to be embarrassing. Maybe a better group of actors could have hidden the flaws. Or perhaps the director could have been less self-indulgence. Or perhaps the money people could have asked for an actual script. Production value is almost nil. Photography is flat. Costumes are off-the-rack Wal-Mart. It has the feel of a quickie vanity project shot on digital video Direct-to-DVD.

As a comedy/satire, it's not that it's bad...it just not funny. And whatever people say, funny is important. This tedious film is not.
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