Review of Closing Escrow

If you've ever bought a house in America...
3 October 2007
This movie was hilarious. It pokes fun at every aspect of the house-buying-with-realtor process. The insane details of the buyers' lives that realtors use to pretend they are their "best friends" added to the "reality" of it.

I can't rate the movie as a 10, because it's not a "Little Miss Sunshine" or "Sideways," but it is in that vein, and it had me laughing out loud many times.

It seems that a lot of people commenting negatively on it here just didn't get it. Perhaps they have not negotiated the house-buying milieu or just a case of different strokes for different folks. All humour does not appeal to all people. I know a few realtors and have been through the maze a few times in the States, so I connected with it.

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