Well made but exceptionally unpleasant
24 October 2007
Technically speaking, this is a well made film. The acting, writing and direction are all very good and I have no serious complaints in this regard. However, as the film is a very cold account of a severely depressed man who is contemplating suicide, it is thoroughly unpleasant and should NEVER be seen by anyone who is depressed or has a history of suicide attempts--it might just push them over the edge. So this leads me to wonder WHO the audience is for this film?! The average person will probably find the film too unpleasant and awful to stick with it and depressed people will give up hope if they watch it. About the only people who will enjoy or at least appreciate this film are art film patrons--who often revel at the prospect of watching a film even more depressing and hopeless than the most depressing film made by Ingmar Bergman. I love many so-called "art films", but frankly I disliked this film and never hope to see it again. Life is just too short to watch films like this!! And, unless you are very strange, shouldn't the purpose of films be to be either entertained or to learn and grow as a result of seeing it? This film fails on both counts.

By the way, in many ways this film is quite reminiscent of the recent film LEAVING LAS VEGAS where a character deliberately drinks himself to death over a very short period of time. Following the sale of his book, the writer (John O'Brien) killed himself. So, watch and beware.
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