Bo Dereck in "10" shown in church accidentally fires up urges in the boys of a small Irish town.
3 December 2007
The eternal story of the misunderstandings between men and women. A priest in a small Irish town tries to attract a larger audience by showing movies and accidentally shows one depicting what all men think is the perfect woman (Bo Derrick in 10) instead of the Ten Commandments. The sight of Bo awakens the urges in the local men who think that they are being deprived of the kind of women they think they want. They conspire to advertise for American women (between the ages of 20 and 21) with the "credentials" of Bo and there is an hilarious vigilance at the bus stop to wait for the American women to arrive. These shenanigans immediately raises the ire of the local girls who invent their own way to get stimulation by inviting some passing Spanish sailors to a dance. Needless to say they don't last long. Perfect example of "I can but you can't". As the boys continue to wait at the bus stop each day they begin to realise that their local women are becoming more attractive. All men should see this movie if they have a need to understand what they are doing wrong when women give them the cold shoulder. More often than not it's of their own making and communication can break down because the woman might not be able to express herself adequately as in this wonderful, funny, heartwarming movie.
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