Every Bit As Good as "The Jolson Story"
25 December 2007
Can a sequel be as good as the original? Those who say no, think of "Godfather II." Of course "The Jolson Story" takes us from the time of his blossoming adolescence to the end of marriage number one, with Ruby Keeler played by Evelyn Keyes. This sequel is totally absorbing because it's rapid fire pace, great music, great acting and warmth combined with the fascinating story of how "The Jolson Story" came to be.

By the time of Pearl Harbor, Jolie's career had taken a nose dive.That is until he got off his rump and hesitatingly decided to TRY to entertain the boys overseas. Incidentally, Al was one of the first celebs to do it but of course will always be overshadowed by Bob Hope and his troupe.

While in the Aleutians, Al meets Officer Ralph Bryant played by Myron McCormick.Bryant was in the cinema profession before joining up and after the war ends, is the one who talks to a depressed Al, sent home twice for illness,about an idea. To take Al into a recording studio to knock out technologically enhanced versions of his great tunes which will be lipsynched by a young actor named Larry Parks. Al begrudgingly decides to opt for it and that's where "liftoff" takes place.

Al is on a rocket ride which opens his career all over again. From the time of "Jolson Story" to Oct.1950 marking his death, he had his own radio program, "Kraft Music Hall" plus a zillion guests spots up and down that radio dial.

The picture is phenomenal as a sequel which I found as entertaining as the original. By the way, it also was nominated for Oscars as was the original. It is a KNOCKOUT film and I highly recommend either renting it or waiting for it on TCM.
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