So good, I had to register with IMDb to comment
8 January 2008
Rock solid action combined with Daniels sly style, makes this a must see. Gary Daniels is one of the few marital artist to carry the torch the sluggish and crappy action movies from this decade. If you haven't joined the Daniesl band wagon, jump on. This is a great movie to start with. Other great Daniels flicks to check out, are Blood Moon, Cold Harvest, Fist of The North Star, and Recoil.

To any of those critics out there who denounce this movie because of the action scenes and bad dialog, relax. It's called an adaptation of a Japanese style action flick.They been making movies like this, for years. A wise person once said, " you get what you pay for." If you like bad acting, Explosions, Guys hook up to wires flying all around, this may be for you. If not, rent something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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