Disco Pigs (2001)
My all-time favorite movie
14 January 2008
I happened upon this little-known Irish movie quite spontaneously. Being a fan of Cillian Murphy, I was looking at every film in his filmography (on IMDb, of course!) and as soon as I read the summary for this one, there was no going back. O.K., I have to admit, Cillian Murphy's good looks played a pretty big part, but the storyline is what really sealed the deal. I had never heard anything quite like it. However, this movie is not exactly available at your local American video store, so I went some months without actually seeing it. Then, I discovered the lovely world of YouTube and found some clips from the movie on there. I'm pleased to say what I saw more than exceeded my expectations. I must have watched each of those clips at least 10 times. Finally, in recent months, I was able to see the entire movie via Netflix. Ever since then, it has taken its rightful place as my favorite movie, and it probably will stay that way for a long while. It is by far the most beautiful movie I have ever seen. The way the relationship is depicted between the two characters is so beautiful that you almost forget it's an unhealthy relationship and that they inflict misfortune among quite a number of people. I also thought the movie's treatment of when Pig and Runt start to grow apart was also well-depicted. It was just a very well-shot movie. I also thought Cillian Murphy and Elaine Cassidy's acting was spectacular. Not to mention the makers of this film did a good job of making me feel the intensity and desperation Pig feels when he feels like he's losing the only person he's ever cared about. Simply heartbreaking.

I do recommend watching this with subtitles, as the Irish accents are terribly thick. But really, once you see this film, the subtitles won't matter at all.
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