City of Vice (2008)
Depressing depravity, titillatingly told. Georgian London under investigation, with an o.k budget and good filming technique.
14 January 2008
I am a sucker for historical drama, particularly when its the sordid history of sorts. This one though particularly fascinating due to it being about the so-called first policemen! I love police drama. So my two favourite genres colliding. Reminds me of from Hell or Sherlock Holmes. The fact that its is a British budget so not Hollywood SE its very well done. A little OTT and not entirely factual, but thoroughly enjoyable and educational. Definitely raising some points for debate and setting one thinking. I was impressed by the filming of the streets in that 3D dark style, the general Gothic- feel of depressingly, stifling despair is fantastic. A great atmosphere! The two brothers are great actors and fascinating figures representing morality and justice, one Anglican one catholic, one blind one seeing. Great contrasts and characterisation. I did find it perfect but any faults where not particularly jarring and one could overlook them. Overall very good. No actionor exaggeration to make it exciting, its plain and disturbing in its message. Its about the evil underneath London's veneer in the Gerorgian Era. A guilty pleasure for those interested in history and entertaining enough for those not.
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