Zoboomafoo (1999–2001)
Probably The Best Children's Show Out There
20 January 2008
In a world full of obnoxious shows that teach our children nothing useful ("Dora" or "Spongebob Squarepants," for example), it is nice to know that one series still remains that corrects this mistake. As a child, I watched "Zoboomafoo" all the time. And even though I hate watching it today, I rate it a 10/10 because I recognize its validity, which cannot be said for a lot of kids' shows currently on TV. In every episode, the Kratt brothers introduce viewers to something new about the animal kingdom, filling them (hopefully) with a respect for their planet and the life forms therein. It also invites audience participation to a realistic degree (help guess the animal), as opposed to "Dora the Explorer" (clap your hands and we can save the prince!) "Zoboomafoo" is one of the greatest educational programs ever conceived, and deserves recognition. This should be the first thing any child ever sees on TV.
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