For Rent (2005)
Chilean junk food that produces indigestion
3 February 2008
This movie is total rubbish!!! Honestly. This is Fuget's first time as director, and I really hope the last one. His script here is much worse than his novels: frivolous, inexpressive, irrelevant. His direction is superficial, plenty of unconnected scenes with no sense of rhythm at all. Minutes and minutes of pointless, affected (and definitively too long) chats are filmed with a poor sense of cinematography. The product of this childish Tarantino's wannabe gives you time even to go to the toilet without missing anything important. Its framing is as bad as its photography. The soundtrack is predictable, plenty of hyper-known 1980s songs; absolutely no contribution to popular music culture. Light direction is deficient: in some night scenes you simply can't recognise faces or tell who's talking; in others, light is so bright that actresses look like corpses and actors like Dracula. The whole thing is pathetic. I gave two stars just to the few good actors performing here (Cruz-Coke, Lewin, Saavedra). Half additional star could go for Ignacia Allamand's nice-nice bottom.
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