Graves End (2005)
Graves End, one of the better B movies
8 February 2008
I went to the video store on a Saturday and had a choice between Graves End and Nightmare Man, so I asked the video store clerk which one he would recommend, he said Nightmare Man sucked in general and Graves End was pathetic plainly put, and considering that my options were limited I asked him which one was the worst and he said Nightmare Man, so I left Nightmare Man and took Graves End. and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

The film was actually quite good, I was expecting another cheap slasher flick but was treated to a great storyline with a few excellent plot twists and the performances by Eric Roberts, Steven Williams and Daniel Roebuck were dead on, the movie generated a lot of suspense mixed with a small dose of horror, so despite the video store clerk's opinion I enjoyed it fully, so I would recommend you check it out for yourself.

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