Not Bad, But Not As Good As People Are Saying...
25 February 2008
If you were to believe the reviews here, you'd think this was an "Exorcist"-level horror movie. "Mandy Lane" isn't bad--as someone else noted, it's got above average cinematography, editing and directing--but the story is unremarkable, even with its twist ending.

The film has a self consciously cool feeling to it that keeps it from being truly immersive. Amber Heard is interesting on screen, but seems to be kind of one note.

I liked this movie, but nihilism and music video aesthetics do not a classic make. ("Devil in the Flesh" with Rose McGowan was just as good a movie (if not better) but just lacked the higher production values. McGowan was certainly more effective than Heard.)

Not a waste of money, but hardly the masterpiece the decent-horror-movie-starved reviewers are calling it here at IMDb.
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