A ghost story without a ghost
2 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What makes this film work are the details. One scene I found particularly effective occurred at the beginning of the film. Myra is trying to explain to Billy why they must carry out this plan and turns off the music playing to make herself heard. A few seconds later she says, "Who turned off the music?" Billy replies, "You did, dear." Myra says, "Now, why would I have done that?" Billy resignedly says, "You're right. It must have been me." This brief scene effectively outlines the nature of their dysfunctional relationship.

And while we cannot condone their behavior, we can sympathize with the characters. Ultimately, Billy loves his wife despite her self-centered and unhinged behavior. We understand his love for her because despite her actions, she is quite vulnerable.

I've heard some stories and movies described as "ghost stories without a ghost". I never really understood what that meant until I heard "Seance" described this way. Both of the main characters are definitely "haunted"; Myra, by her childhood, the death of her son, and her own frustrated ambitions and Billy by the memories of a life without purpose. In fact, the only purpose in his life comes from his wife, Myra. That alone helps explain why he would go along with Myra's mad kidnapping scheme. It also helps build the suspense when Myra insists that they kill the child. Billy seems to like the child but we have plenty of examples of Billy going against his better judgment to carry out Myra's commands. Not until the very end do you know if he did or didn't do what Myra asked.

This is an excellent, suspenseful movie with two superior performances. The characters of Myra and Billy Savage will stay with you long after the film ends.
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