Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Please watch the original Day Of The Dead instead
24 March 2008
Wow, another George Romero remake of one of his 'Dead' films, and the bar drops another few notches. After the disappointing remake of "NIGHT" in 1990, then the terrible remake of "DAWN" a couple of years ago, we now get a truly disgraceful remake of "DAY", showing just how much film-making attitudes have changed since Romero's "DAY" debuted in 1985.

This movie has definitely been aimed at audiences where character, story, logic, and patience is a hindrance, and that colour and movement is all that matters.

Like a bad music video, this new "DAY" continually beats you over the head, thinking that over-editing and drug-induced pacing is all that is required to make a horror movie work.

Steve Miner, who has directed enjoyable genre films such as Friday THE 13TH PART 2, HOUSE, and LAKE PLACID, seems to be trying to channelling the "talent" of Michael Bay or Marcus Nispel, shaking the camera and jump-cutting like crazy. Is it a contractual obligation now to shoot a film in this fashion? The acting is awful, the dialogue worse (what do you expect from the writer of FINAL DESTINATION and TAMARA), and any layers and satire is certainly gone.

While officially a remake, "DAY" more or less takes elements from Romero's film and then attatches them to a plot that is closer to 28 WEEKS LATER and I AM LEGEND. The element involving Bud is crude and awkward to say the least, and doesn't make any sense in context with the rest of the film.

Gore is plentiful, but is practically all CGI. One longs for the complex, expertly handled on-set effects by Tom Savini, who gave us some truly eye-popping effects in the original "DAY".

The way is left open for another, so I guess we'll have to endure a remake of LAND OF THE DEAD, directed by someone as non-talented as Marcus Nispel. Can't wait. By the way, the Australian DVD release date is May 14 (through Force Entertainment).
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