Another cheesy but thrilling adventure!
31 March 2008
Like most horror series, the more you use your trump card the less effective it is. In this case it's the Silver Sentinel Balls of Hunting Death (or whatever they're called), which by this instalment have lost a fair bit of their menace.

The film does serve it's purpose as a sequel though by fleshing out the Tall Man's motivations and revealing a bit more of what's going on whilst still confusing you with it's surreal logic (or lack there-of).

There's also plenty of laughs, as it's mining the same vein of slapstick horror as the 2nd movie, and while the new sidekicks couldn't be more ludicrous if they tried, we have to assume that they are trying and that Coscarelli is every bit as aware of the ridiculousness of a nunchuk wielding ex-military hottie as the audience is. It's also hilarious to watch Reggie continue to develop into a Bruce Campbell style horror hero, especially he's the least likely loverman you're likely to see in a movie.

Like the 2nd film, you're not going to be scared but if the humour is on your wavelength then you should find it a very enjoyable fantasy adventure.
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