14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Samuel, a young man who suffers from a rare brain disorder, not unlike epilepsy, is at the center of this story. He has problems when he gets bouts that makes him black out and loses all notion of time, or who he is. To complicate things, Samuel after going to a party, falls asleep in the back of a van. Little does he know he'll end up in Madrid, a city where he doesn't know anyone.

Samuel finds a job in a supermarket, but he is let go after he suffers one of those spells that afflict him. At the same time, he meets a kooky girl named Consuelo who is a kindred spirit and likes Samuel from the start. Not having means to provide for himself, Samuel goes to an agency where he is hired as a helper for older people. He experiences horrible situations, as well as an excellent one with Angelito, an Alzheimer sufferer who bonds with him. While Consuelo is visiting Samuel at Angelito's, the son of the old man arrives. He doesn't like the idea of finding the girl in his father's place. This man will come back to make thing difficult to Samuel.

Santi Amadeo's film was a rare find the other day when the film was shown on cable. Not having seen anything by him before, we were happily surprised by the quality of the situation and the sweetness of the main character, who in spite all that befalls him, never appear to want to take revenge on the same society that has no place for people like him. Mr. Amadeo, who wrote the screen play is a director with his heart in the right place; he shows us a young man who has a great potential, but with a handicap who is not bitter for what life has given him.

Juan Jose Ballesta, who made an impression in El Bola, does an excellent job as Samuel. Adriana Ugarte contributes to the enjoyment of the film. Veteran actor Manuel Alexandre does a fine job as Angelito, the older man who finds in Samuel a kind of love and friendship that has been lacking from his own relationship with his own son.
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