Sharpe: Sharpe's Rifles (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
Chalk Up One For The Good Guys...
19 April 2008
I was very impressed with Sharpe's Rifles starring Brian Cox. I think that Brian Cox has slowly become one of my favorite actors over the many years that I had viewed his acting work. I have also seen Cox in the director's cut of Manhunter and he did some wonderful work in that film too. Sharpe's Rifles showed me that hard work and determination could payoff for those individuals not even given a chance to succeed. Sharpe's men and his allies were outnumbered many times in the film, but stood up to them and protected what they believed to be theirs. Sure many lives were lost and blood was shed, but these are some of the prices an individual must be willing to pay in order to get the reward at the end of the tunnel. Brian Cox showed me that a man could be sharp, cunning, smart and honest and still reign on top in the end. A great little movie.
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