Review of Triloquist

Triloquist (2008)
Lightweight Entertaining Horror Comedy
22 April 2008
Pretty much from the start it's clear where this movie is coming from and what you should expect from it. If you are looking for an even vaguely serious, linear movie that tells a story that all hangs together and makes sense then you better look elsewhere. This is straight up silly escapism and fun, and I enjoyed pretty much every minute. I thought all the parts were well cast, especially the brother who looks perfect with his sealed lip expression. The female lead does a good job, though unfortunately we don't get to see her sans clothes. There's a good smattering of silicone free nudity however, so the director clearly knows what people who watch this kind of stuff want. The script was decent, and most of the lines that were meant to pull a laugh worked for me. Some really funny set-pieces too, one in particular out the back of the strip club near the start was insanely funny, but I'm not going to spoil it for you. If you've seen the movie then you'll know the scene. You have to pretty much totally suspend disbelief to enjoy this film, as quite frankly it doesn't really make much sense or try to explain itself at all. It's just a trippy ride with some boobs and crude jokes, but hey, I can dig that. The plot, what of it there is, seems pretty much to be a vehicle to carry the crazy ideas of the writer, and he sure has plenty of crazy ideas. I liked this movie a lot, but it's only worth a 7, because it could have been better and there were a few times that it didn't quite hold it together. Still very good for those of you who like trash cheesy "horror" comedy. Would have been better with some gore as well. Forgot to mention, it's pretty minimal on that front.
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