Best Romero film since Dawn of the Dead
27 April 2008
I was in no rush to see this film. I liked the original Night of the Living Dead and loved the original Dawn of the Dead.

I found Day of the Dead to be a disappointment and Land of the Dead to me downright horrible.

What I am to expect from Romero with a low budget making a Blair Witch/Cloverfield Digital Cam Film? I expected the movie to be bad but have some redeeming qualities.

I was shocked as the Digital Cam was not annoying and didn't cause Vertigo and it was professional edited. I don't want to spoil the plot with more details.

This movie is filled with creepy moments, gore, and social commentary. This is by far the best Zombie film since Dawn of the Dead.

I have seen a lot of negative comments about this movie. My suggestion is to read as little about the film plot as possible and go in with an open mind.

This is a good horror movie. I personally find the Zombie genre to be very hit or miss. For every Dawn of the Dead, or more recently 28 days later, there are at least 10 horrible Zombie movies made.

I now am hoping Romero does indeed make the two more Zombie films he has claimed to want to make. This one didn't do great at the box office but I suspect it will make money off Video Sales and Rentals.

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