This is exactly what I was afraid of
17 May 2008
I really miss watching horror movies, just a good and gory film that you can just have fun with. I saw the cover for Way of the Vampire, I mean this was just the coolest cover, it looked like a great cover with vampire hunters. So I rented it and took it home, sat down and watched it first thing, I don't know why I get my hopes up with these straight to DVD's. As always these movies are just bad, the script(which obviously had no research), the actors(who you can tell are the desperate waiters in LA, waiting for their "big break"), the effects(which could've been done by a 10 year old I know who's much better with computers), the editing(I think the editor, this must have been his first time because he went a little crazy), just everything about this movie is bad, but I'll try to explain the story.

Van Helsing is given immortality to hunt down the vampire "princes" after the love of his life is turned into a vampire and he has killed her. So over a hundred years later he has lived to try to catch one vampire, Sebastien. He's got a new girlfriend at the hospital, but cannot find the prince, so when Sebastien is awaken by his vampire girlfriend to create an army of darkness, oh, what will our Van Helsing do? I guess get stung by a wasp who does apparently die by one sting, lol.

Way of the Vampire is just one of those bad straight to DVD's that really sucks, believe me, I can't believe I fell for it, I know that I sometimes say that the ratings are wrong here on IMDb, but this is the rating I really wished I paid attention to the rating because I might have saved some time and money on this trash. Just trust me when I say that this is one of the worst excuses for film that you'll ever see in your life, it's worse than amateur, I just don't know how else to go on but to just warn you to stay away from this piece of trash.

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