Buck vs the mouldy mummy monster.
18 May 2008
Considering that The Crystals features a young Amanda Wyss (from A Nightmare On Elm Street) in a very short dress, and gives plenty of screen time to Erin Gray, it should be an absolutely unmissable episode, but with Wyss forced to spout some particularly ridiculous dialogue and Gray given an unflattering baggy jumpsuit to wear, it proves to be rather forgettable stuff.

In a plot that is rather reminiscent of Star Trek:TOS, Buck, Wilma and Hawk are sent to the planet Phibocetes to collect Thurbidian crystals which are required to power The Searcher. Once there, they discover a strange mummified creature that awakens to cause havoc, trashing their ship and stealing the crystals.

A little later on, and Buck also discovers a pretty young girl who is suffering from amnesia (Wyss). After comparing the girl's blood sample with that of the creature, Wilma discovers that they share similarities in their DNA. Chrichton, The Searcher's know-it-all robot, surmises that the girl is in the early stages of her life-cycle, and will eventually mutate into a mummy creature...

It's not often that I will say this about an episode of Buck Rogers, but this one was just plain boring, with a dreary plot, a hopeless monster (a man wearing a costume that looks like it's been made from a bit of old carpet) and a crap studio set swathed in dry ice.
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