Steaming pile of crap for liberal consumption - Don't waste your time
21 May 2008
As a 2 tour Iraq vet, I was taken to this movie as a birthday outing and didn't realize the "plot" was supposed to be an Iraqi war commentary.

It's difficult to know where to start unwinding this tangled yarn of agenda, malfeasance, and outright lies, but the theater didn't keep our money that evening. We WALKED OUT after about 1/2 hour of watching this drivel, and demanded our money back. (Which they most-assuredly were willing to return to us) If you think lying to the American people is bad, this movie was obviously made for FOREIGN CONSUMPTION, so that the miserable wretches who conspired to make and distribute this pile of of crap, could make money SELLING OUT America AND KILLING American BOYS.

And if you don't think this kind of garbage winds up killing Americans, you really ought to read some history and (gasp) maybe even serve your country in patriotism.
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