Review of Conejo

Conejo (1999)
Very unusual and creative
27 May 2008
Conejo is the Spanish word for 'rabbit' and Rabbit is the nickname given to the little boy in this short film. He seems like a pretty normal kid and I liked how it showed the world from his perspective. His insanely cruel teacher and occasionally indifferent parents all seem to conspire against this poor kid. Yet into his somewhat bleak life comes hope in the form of a dream. In the dream a witch gives him magic marbles. All he needs to do is swallow one and make a wish and it will magically come true. In a very cruel scene involving his insane teacher, he tries is for the first time and it works!! Excited, he runs home to tell his mother. She will not listen but insists on rushing him back to school--at which point tragedy strikes. I don't want to say what happens next, but it was a terrifically unusual and well made little film. Clever and creative--this Spanish language short is worth seeing.
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