Triloquist (2008)
Son of Leprechaun and Chucky
27 May 2008
Man, I expected a lot from this movie. It sounded like one of those puppet horror movies with a killer twist. Trailer seemed nice, but what a let down this was.

The role of Angelina seemed way over the top; first it was like watching a killer spoof from Scary Movie. Not believable. Her brother was a retarded nut that didn't convince either.

Was it a comedy? IMDb says it's horror. A few slightly scary moments, a few unexpected story lines. But the rest has been done before and better.

The 78 minute runtime of the DVD was too long, I skipped some scenes. I wondered why it wasn't in the cinema in Holland, and why not released on DVD with my native language as subtitle, and only in German. Well, there is a clearly obvious reason for that. Thin characters, annoying at times.
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