Review of Awake

Awake (2007)
Laughably horrible plot
19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What follows are 16 examples of absurd plot points: (1) The film immediately makes a big deal about the family conglomerate's potential merger with a mob-connected Japanese company, receiving world wide notoriety, but then this point is completely abandoned. (2) Hayden, the young heir to a gigantic business fortune, is only 22. Too young for an MBA, and probably just out of college. Yet, he's got a major role running a huge company and making deals himself. (3) Hayden's heart is so bad that he learns his new heart is ready, just before he's going to have honeymoon sex with Alba. Up to that point, except for one wheezing incident on some steps, Hayden sprightly bounds about, looks 22 and rigorous, and even looks great on the gurney going into the ER. Don't transplant candidates have a hard time breathing, much less walking, and much less contemplating sex? (4) Hayden's Mom is very beautiful but looks the 50-52 years of age this website says she was when filmed (born in '55). Yet, a big deal is made about her having Haden extremely young; so young they're more like friends than son and mother. An actress about 40 should have been cast. (5) The evil transplant team consists of just 3 surgeons (is the Australian actress a doctor or a nurse?), and a drunk anesthesiologist. Don't transplant teams have upwards of 10 professionals in the OR? (6) No hospital staff ever enters or checks on the OR during what is supposed to be a long transplant procedure. Where are the other staff and patients at this hospital? The hallways are deserted, except during "second Hayden's" wanderings. Mom and Hayden's new evil bride sit alone for most of the time in the hospital's waiting room. (7) Hayden's announced goal for his conglomerate is to create more jobs, as he proudly proclaims to Mom following that week's new acquisition. What rich entrepreneur ever wanted to create more jobs (i.e., more overhead)? (8) The evil transplant surgeon is being sued in 4 malpractice suits yet the hospital continues to allow him to freely operate, even on a 22-year-old Billionaire. (9) As seen in a photo on the evil surgeon's office wall, evil Alba looks exactly like she did when she recently worked at that very hospital as a nurse, but amazingly no one except maybe one doctor remotely recognizes her even though she spends hour after hour sitting in a public space in the waiting room. (10) Success for the evil conspiracy hinges on the completely far-fetched scheme of convincing Hayden to use this much-sued surgeon, Alba somehow getting a job as Mom's secretary, and Alba marrying Hayden before the new heart is ready, so that the evil surgeon can kill him on the OR table; yet they have no control over when a new heart will be available. (11) The decision to marry Alba, marrying her, and receiving the notice of of the availability of the new heart all took place within a matter of hours; way too short a time for Hayden to change his will (not mentioned one way or another) prior to her marrying him, so for all she knows he's going to leave his fortune to the American Cat Society. (12) Mom makes a call to her friend the world's best heart surgeon just before killing herself so he can put her heart in Hayden. No indication whether anybody bothered to check if she'd be a suitable donor. (13) As his new wife, evil Jessica would have had power of consent to take him off life support after the new heart failed, but the movie gave that power to Mom, and Jessica never objects. (14) The world's best heart surgeon somehow responds, with his team, about 5 minutes after receiving the call from now-dead Mom. His team is just about as tiny as the evil team, but at least there's a nurse. This puny team by itself manages to prep dead Mom, remove her heart and plop it into Hayden in record time. No wonder he's the world's best! (15) The world's best heart surgeon immediately figures out that the new heart failed because the evil surgeon injected it with poison, when there are probably 10,000 better and more obvious reasons. (16) The drunk anesthesiologist figures out the conspiracy despite never asking a question and not being present for much of the procedure, and calls the police. Maybe the world's best heart surgeon also provided the police details he got from Mom. Unclear. Whatever, even before Hayden is out of the OR with his new-new heart, the police have all the facts and assemble a big team to arrest everyone at the hospital. (17) Sorry, I just don't have the courage to address the ridiculous "second Hayden" and his many conversations with both alive and dead Mom.
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