Lost: ...In Translation (2005)
Season 1, Episode 17
A simple but excellent social drama
23 July 2008
I find both Jin and Sun, especially Jin, very interesting characters. I don't care so much for their dynamic as a couple (which never really realized its full potential until season four's "Ji Yeon"), but "... In Translation" is an excellent episode where the relationship works excellently as drama. On paper this episode sounds like part predictable soap opera and part repetitive social drama, but the script by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Leonard Dick is full of strong characterization, excellent dialogue, and an understanding of the social situations it is handling.

The flashback segments essentially fill the gaps and answer questions the "House of the Rising Sun" flashback raised. They are well-written, and the scene where Jin is forced into an act of violence is very effective, but the only truly interesting portion of the flashback is Jin's conversation with his father, which is in my opinion one of the key character development moments for Jin on the show.

The on-island events are where most of this episode's strengths lie. Part romance story between Sayid and Shannon and part social drama examining the effect of cultural differences, language barriers, and the danger of scapegoating on a secluded set of characters, "... In Translation" provides an intriguing but familiar concept that is handled wonderfully in the literate and intelligent script, creating many moments of key character and relationship development. The sub-plot with the raft has implications impacting the 'island kookiness' side of the mythology of "Lost", as one could interpret Walt's actions and what he says to Locke as further evidence of him being 'special'.

"... In Translation" is quite extraordinary visually. Tucker Gates' direction is extremely tasteful and smart, with several shots aided by Michael Bonivillain's photography being quite stunning and memorable such as the long shot of Sun and Jin on the beach after he learns that she speaks English, and the silhouette of Shannon and Sayid towards the end by the fire.

This is all around an excellent episode of "Lost", and probably my favorite Jin and Sun episode outside of "Ji Yeon".

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