The Big Bet (1987)
A must for Kim Evenson fans.
24 July 2008
This young woman was stunningly beautiful in a totally natural way. Both wholesome and sexy at the same time. Even her awkward acting (she does seem a little out of her element here) just endeared me to her more.

It's a shame you can't find this film (or for that matter ANY Kimberly Evenson film- "Kandyland", anyone?) more easily, but I'm sorry to say that "The Big Bet" will likely be consigned to the VHS Obscurity pile. (I still have my well-worn tape after 15 years, but this movie is now only available on eBay and the like.) The easiest thing to find Kim in today is probably "Porky's Revenge", which limits the lovely Miss Evenson to a few minutes of screen time, and is utterly terrible besides.

Still, Kim made a great Playmate back in the day, and it was nice to see her stretch her acting chops a bit... her presence in THE BIG BET is the main reason to watch it, IMO. (the other female lead is Sylvia Kristel, aka the famous Emmanuelle, who never quite did it for me with her too-slim figure and butch haircut.) Though in between moments of staring slack-jawed at Ms. Evenson, I seem to remember some humorous moments with Lance Sloane, the lead guy.

Anyway, this movie seems to be truly rare. It's barely even known on the Internet. For anyone who wants to see Kim Evenson at her prettiest, and in an actual leading role which well complements her double duty as eye-candy, I recommend tracking this one down.
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