Hard edged thriller is compelling even when it gets silly. It also has one of the best unsung chase scenes in movie history
4 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Stuart Whitman is a police Captain who's sister (played by Tisha Farrow who looks more like his daughter) dies under mysterious circumstances. Whitman suspects murder and begins to investigate leading him down the road to violence and unwanted revelations.

An odd mix of hardcore police action and gaillo thrillers this plays like a macho cop drama where the "hero" prefers to beat up people to get even the simplest of answers while the killer remains hidden and stalking his victims. Its so arch as to be laughable as Whitman abuses person after person in order to get at the truth. Don't get me wrong the action is really well done but its the type of thing where it seems that just saying hello is going to get someone punched in the face. Its the sort of movie they don't make any more (and only did for a brief time in the early to mid 1970's) because they almost instantly became over the top and clichéd.

Don't get me wrong this is a good little thriller. Its got a hard edge to it thats nicely violent and lurid in an entertaining way. Frankly even if the film wasn't good on its own, it possesses a chase scene about an hour into the movie that is truly amazing. Clearly they were trying to one up Bullit, French Connection or the Seven Ups. And while its not quite the nail biter of those films it is a damn fine chase scene that has been unjustly forgotten by the ages.(and yes the end of the chase is a hoot).

If there is any real problem, aside from the macho to the point of silliness, its that there seems to be only one piece of music for the film thats played over and over again in every action scene. Its so wrong for the scenes to start with, but its constant repetition just makes everything sillier (not to mention it grates on ones nerves) Worth a look if you find it in the bargain bin.
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