Brother (II) (2000)
Humorous, Yet Touching
23 August 2008
This a simple story told in narration by a brother, who describes growing up and his odd family. It is both humorous and tragic. Most of all, it was captivating and very touching. It's very quiet, and you have to give it your full attention.

The narrator describes everyone in his family, all of whom are shown in claymation form. Most of the shots are fairly quick and they are stills. There is very little movement in this, just one "snapshot" after another. Everyone is odd mainly because of some physical affliction, so the humor is dark. The claymation figures are "cute" and add much-needed lightness to a story that, basically, is fairly dark, especially at the end. Actually, the claymation figures are more than cute: they're fantastic. You'll laugh and marvel at each figure, from the poor brother and his weird eyeglasses, to the boys' pet lizard.

Overall, this is different; it's excellent and it will keep you riveted to the screen, wondering what odd tidbit you'll hear next about this family.

This is one of a trilogy done by the writer-director Adam Elliot. I haven't seen the other two but if they are anywhere near as good as this, I look forward to seeing them.
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