Fast Forward (1985)
A must have for aspiring dancers!
4 October 2008
I've been in love with this film since it came out in mid-80s. I was a dance choreographer in high school.

The story was fresh, inspiring and even though people think it's cheesy by today's standards (or back then), the romance and pure ambition of then unknown casts (who were great dancers) were uplifting and makes you root for them till the end of the story.

The soundtrack was a hit and i remember knowing every lyrics by heart, dancing to the upbeat tunes. As you watch and listen, a rush of good nostalgia comes in. Sure, acting may be bad and corny, but it gives you a heady rush. You can't help but think Sidney Poitier just wanted to have fun when he directed this.

Needless to say, I was addicted to this movie then. I had the moldy VHS, the cassette tape, and the moves...well, I copied the choreography in school.

In short, it was a feel good inspirational story for artists and performers, even until now (if you can get hold of a copy, that is, because watching clips on youtube just isn't enough). No one ever did a similar musical film where you don't worry that your kid will catch it on late night cable with sex scenes filled in between.

Plus the songs are so danceable and the simple plot memorable. Never mind the cheesy warmers. Listen to the tunes today, and they will still be as likable as yesterday.

I still have a video of it now in my files. A friend converted his copy to avi when I suddenly craved for it sometime in 2008 and couldn't find it on the net. It's something Sir Sidney will remember with pride and joy in his lifetime. Same fond memories that will sweep the 80s generation who still remember it fondly.

Sometimes, I would take a short peek and my tears would well up because I remember my prime as a performer, even as I now see glaring little flaws in un-synchronized movements and lousy dialogs all too clearly. Never mind, small stuff.

For a musical movie, this is 80s tops.
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