One to See
10 October 2008
Eugene Forde directs this low budget "gangster" gem which proceeds predictably enough until we get to the climax which has sufficient twists & turns to separate it from the norm & maybe even satisfy a Hitchcock fan or two. But what really separates this film from not only the B film but any film is the abundant use of humor. In addition to some pretty corny but ofttimes amusing gags involving Warren Hymer as Hazy (aka Mr Metropolitan to the little girl who wants to be read to) we have what I would call a runaway Stepin Fetchit. Mr Forde lets him have his way as the Pullman porter mumbling through scene after scene trying to accomplish his job while others have different ideas of what he should be doing. In fact, I would recommend this film to anyone who has not seen Stepin Fetchit or anyone who enjoys a laugh or two while digesting their gangster/romance/drama film appetite.
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