Review of Wicked Lake

Wicked Lake (2008)
A fun combination of girls and gore
17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You gotta love a movie that has nudity in its very first scene- 20 seconds into the movie. A nude model in an art class befriends some shy loser (who overacts terribly by the way). We get to meet his family as he arrives home after dropping off the girl at her place. He's abused by his controlling brother. Another brother has some mental and muscular issue and constantly twitches. Their dad in wheelchair is a sick dirty old man, a gun-wielding war veteran. These guys are rather dumb and are meant to be inject some humor.

We also get to meet the model and her friends: three smoking-hot babes who are also lovers. The girls decide to go on a trip to a cabin by a lake in a gorgeous classical car. On the way they stop at a gas station and tease and annoy the hillbilly attendants. While they drive or when they stop for a while they take time to frolic with each other.

Eventually they arrive at the cabin and spend some time bathing in the lake. While the girls are enjoying themselves at night, someone knocks on the door. It's the family of idiots, who disappointed that the girls aren't into, them start getting violent. The model ends up being killed. So the other girls plan and eventually succeed in avenging her death. Things get quite gory here and it turns out the girls have some supernatural powers.

Out of nowhere, two cops happen to be on the trail of our girls, too. They discover blood, teeth, and some evidence of foul play. When they get to the cabin, the older cop is killed immediately and the young one is captured not before he kills two of the girls. The remaining girl wants to use him before midnight to bring back her dead friends back to life through witchcraft. Last minute he escapes but someone will show up to help the witch in the end.

This movie is lower budget. Despite the budget, the movie looks very good. The main characters, the 4 girls and a couple of the other characters act very well. It's all about the girls of course and they do a great job. They are beautiful, fun, mischievous, and sexy. The love scenes among the girls are very erotic and well shot. The comedic bits aren't all the effective, but the gore is good. There are too many characters here and not enough story and character development. It would have been nice to learn something specific about each girl, or some background about the bad guys. Also missing is a sense of fear that should have been there while the girls were captured. They are terrorized but it lacks impact. There are some good gore scenes, like a head exploding in a microwave. And also some effective horror scenes involving one of the witches appearing behind the cop.

Despite the shortcomings, I liked this movie a lot. You can't take you eyes away from these girls- they are not your typical Hollywood bimbos, but have natural beauty and personality. This movie represents what B-movies should be about: blood, guts, gore, and pretty girls. Not sure why there isn't full frontal nudity though. The movie is unrated/ hard-R rating yet the camera and editor are at pains to keep things above the waist. Why not take full advantage of the rating. Yet male genital props are shown for some reason. I'm looking forward to future releases from this crew and hopefully a sequel to this movie. There's a lot of potential and skill. Most importantly this is a good start in resurrecting fun horror movies- a genre has been neglected while lame teen PG-13 "horror" as been favored.
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