Quench (2007)
This was terrible...
6 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers

I'm sorry but I just don't get why this film is getting so much high acclaim.

Everything about this film was just so awful. The acting was so below par. There were so many annoying long pauses, like actors had forgotten their dialogue, and the character of Derrick's 'emotions' were just so random. Each scene had this horrible unnatural feel to it. There was no flowing dialogue or natural movement.

This could have also tied into the editing. The editing looks like your basic pre-school cut and paste job. Shots were too long and at one point Derrick managed to go from sitting at a chair talking to Gina to standing in a doorway without us even seeing him move. Thats just bad practice. And whoever shot the scene where Derrick leaves the house after hitting Ronnie, what the hell was up with that camera track? Invest in a steadicam or just use a zoom.

When it came to the final revelation all I could do was laugh. Yes its meant to solve the huge mystery of why he really came to the town, how Sarah died and why he doesn't want to be cut but I think the film missed the whole issue. I would have liked to have seen Derrick question Jason and Gina about their blood drinking. Surely as a carrier of HIV he'd think it was absolutely insane that these people would put themselves at risk but he just brushed it off as some weird stuff that they did. The scene where Derrick gets beaten up. Those SFX were awful not to mention the fact his face looked ridiculous. All that blood but no bruising? And where the hell did that little black towel come from?! And why is in in the middle of her living room?!

For me this film felt totally unsure of itself. I wasn't sure if it was trying to tell the story of his dead girlfriend, his broken friendship, the new love interest, his relationship with his parents, his HIV, a blood drinking cult or what. It was all kind of slapdashed together with an 'I HAVE HIV' slammed on the ending.

Definitely not a 'Modern Gothic Tragedy' as the tagline states. Surely the 'gothic tragedy' would have been Jason or Gina. Ugh, I just really dislike everything about this film.
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