Charlie Jade (2005)
10 November 2008
This is a response to someone who called the show "Mesmerisingly bad".

Charlie Jade is NOT a show that you can jump into as you channel surf.

More to the point, I can't think of any other show that would come close to Charlie Jade in *seeming* to be "mesmerisingly bad" if one tried to jump in to the occasional episode now and then.

I really liked the show. I cared about the characters. I didn't know how I could deal with their problems. No clever and satisfying solutions presented themselves. Often the characters' progress seemed barely worth their trials. And the writers introduced one very neat twist to alternate reality story-telling: that some people might behave very differently while visiting different realities.

I was very disappointed when they wound up this show prematurely. But in hindsight, it seems predictable: despite PVR's and TV-series transferred to DVD, it's still too expensive to make television shows that are horrible for channel-surfers.
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