A simple feel-good adventure movie that kids will just love to watch
17 November 2008
A kid's film is a kid's film. Simple as that, and not every single one needs to have the grown-up's interest themes or jokes as in Shrek, or the elaborate musical numbers. Younger kids want a bit of action, humour and fun little characters they can love to watch. Add in a good simple feel good story with some adventure, and that is a great formula for a kid's film; and that is the premise and basis of the animated movie: "Fly me to the Moon".

The film is simply about 3 young friends (who are bees) who decide to hitch a lift with Buzz Aldrin & co to the Moon, back in the 1960s. Their mothers don't know about it, the Soviet Officials (flies again!) don't like it and they themselves are simply wide-eyed about the whole thing. Along the way, there's thrills and fun for young kids. They can relate to the humour and the characters (out to seek adventure and all that).

The added plus is that this is a fully 3D-animated film, and for the first time i've ever seen that the 3D animation effects are astoundingly good and actually work. Having watched Jaws 3D and the like in my youth, I was not expecting much and had to eat my words when viewing this. Watching this in the IMAX, the opening scene with the rocket launch made my eyes almost pop out, it was like as if the rocket was coming off the screen!

I'm surprised and disappointed with much of the negative criticisms in the forum reviews on this movie. I don't practically ever watch kids movies, but got dragged to this by my nephew & niece, and can say that it was worth it. All loved it, as did all the kids in the audience from what I could see. It does as it says on the tin.

Maybe Shrek, Toy Story et al have more going for them in many ways, but as a film in itself "Fly me to the moon" deserves credit for entertainment & enjoyment for young kids in particular who want to see a film they can fully understand and enjoy. One to sit back and enjoy, but most importantly if you can watch this in 3D in the cinema then that's where you'll enjoy it the most.
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