Disturbingly bad
9 December 2008
Probably the most scattered, incoherent, poorly conceived and executed big-budget feature yet made.

The first movie was good, really it was. I had never read the Narnia books, I was too busy reading LOTR and Science Fiction to be much interested, so the first movie got me involved in the series.

This one, however, seems to completely fall apart. Things happen for no apparent reason. People do things with no apparent motive. CG and live characters stand around in huge crowds simply watching others do things. For a long time. With no apparent result. Then they cheer. Yawn.

Characters appear and "save the day" with a roar. Waves crash down rivers just like in LOTR, except not as exciting and for no apparent reason other than to show off the alternate CG that might have been created for LOTR. A giant battle sequence appears in the middle of a story that didn't have one. Yawn.

I shudder to think that anyone could find merit in this movie. As a standalone movie it is horrific. As a desecration of the original author's intent, it is inexcusable, shameful, and embarrassing.
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