Triloquist (2008)
How many more of these awful horror films will I subject myself to?
28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Triloquist starts way back in 1993 in Las Vegas as a female drug addicted ventriloquist(!) & her two young children are about to get thrown out of their motel & onto the streets. After a large drug dose kills her her two kids are taken into care & her creepy ventriloquist dummy imaginatively named Dummy locked away in a suitcase. Jump forward to the present & now the teenage Angelina (Paydin LaPachin) & her mute brother Norbert (Rocky Marquette) decide to head back to Las Vegas after going from foster home to foster home with Dummy to find the fame & fortune as a ventriloquist act their late poor mother never did. The trip will not be easy & sacrifices need to be made along the way, cars need to be stolen & anyone who gets in their way must be killed. Angelina also wants to continue the family bloodline so kidnaps a teenage girl (Katie Chonacas) for Norbert to rape & impregnate. With the cops hot on their tail will they find the success & happiness they crave?

Retitled to simply Dummy (which was apparently the films original working title) here in the UK this was written & directed by Mark Jones the man responsible for starting the Leprechaun (1993) franchise (gee, thanks a million mate...) & I have to say that I thought Triloquist was rubbish & there's not a lot else to add although i will attempt to try & explain why I am of that opinion. The first thing to say about Triloquist is that it's a horror comedy with heavy emphasis on the comedy, unfortunately it's not funny in the slightest which is obviously a big problem. There's plenty of swearing & some may find the very innocent looking Angelina talk dirty amusing but I am sure they will be in the minority. There are a few visual gags like the dummy Dummy having a dream in which topless strippers caress & kiss him but these come across as childish, immature & quite frankly desperate. The one-liners suck & I seriously doubt many viewers will find anything in Triloquist funny, I certainly didn't. Then there's the rubbish story which makes you feel like you didn't even watch a proper film, there is one of the worst twist endings I have ever seen that makes absolutely zero sense & in context with the rest of the film doesn't work as there are clear contradictions & plot holes. It's never explained quite what Dummy is or who is controlling him & the twist only adds to the confusing & some might say frustration. To be fair to Triloquist the film moves along like a rocket & there are few dull moments but with such a bad story, such unfunny jokes & gags which miss by the proverbial mile & an extremely unlikable central character it's still an incredibly difficult film to either like or enjoy.

Basically a bad taste road film as we see Angelina, Norbert & Dummy murder their way across America stealing whatever car they fancy along the way there's not even that much gore in it. There are a few severed fingers, a neck wound & a bit of blood splatter which amounts to just about nothing. There's some nudity as well as a few topless girls are seen. There are no scares, there's no atmosphere & a really flat visual style that grows old very quickly. I also have to mention the soundtrack which I found extremely annoying & some of the songs used gave me a headache.

Although Triloquist is reasonably well made it has no style & looks both dull & bland. The editing is also poor on occasion with some scenes not making any sense & character's suddenly popping up from quite literally nowhere. The acting isn't great although Paydin LaPachin is a real looker but not enough of a looker to make Triloquist worth watching.

Triloquist, or Dummy if you live here in the UK, is crap by any name & I think it's as simple & straight forward as that really. It's not funny, it's not scary or gory & it's definitely not clever with a terrible twist that insults the viewer.
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