ECW December to Dismember (2006 TV Special)
20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
ECW December to Dismember :2 years ago WWE had a good idea- a one night only PPV featuring the stars of the now defunct ECW in a special PPV event.Between the PPV buys and the sales of the DVD -WWE went ahead with a second PPV- which was fine- although it lacked the one night only luster of the first.Of course Vinny Mac felt the need to capture this buzz and manages to convince the sci-fi network to carry his retooled ECW brand.Things start to go sour- first Rob Van Dame the extremist that first mentioned the ECW One Night Stand concept and the most successful and over of the ECW champs and the ECW/WWE champ gets pulled over with pot(not a huge surprise for a grappler featured in High Times magazine).So WWE decides to strip him of the belt - and decide to import the Big Show to the ECW to be champ- this enrages the hardcore ECW fans-which leads to an infamous match in NYC - where the fans belittle the product during the main event of a live broadcast- chanting "change the channel" and "TNA" during the awkward main event of the ECW show.This all leads to this turd of a DVD- the second ECW brand PPV this year and the first utilizing the extremists of the minor league brand of the WWE corporation.Going into this PPV - only 2 matches were announced- a one night only tag team reunion between the Hardy Boys and MnM and the 6 man extreme elimination chamber match for the ECW strap.The opening tag-team match had some good spots and got the crowd into the event.Sadly things go from bad to worse- we are told that Sabu is injured and won't compete- which is fine - I guess- except he is featured in the cover art of the DVD.Either way after one match- there is a lot of time to fill-so we get a retread of what is on the ECW TV show- no special matches- just the roster full of folks that aren't charismatic or talented enough to be featured on Smackdown or Raw.After and hour plus of sub-par matches- it is time for the main event.The 6 man extreme elimination chamber- featuring crowd favorites RVD and CM Punk and Bobby Lashley and a heel contingent.Sure there are some nasty spots throughout the main event - but a match featuring a huge cage,weapons ,3 legit headliners and tons of spots- still manages to enrage the crowd so much that they are chanting "change the channel" and"TNA(a rival rasslin' league).The DVD does include extra interviews and a rematch between 2 of the wrestlers the following Tuesday.Not worth getting unless you are a collector or masochist. D- Jobber Joe -Roundtable Wrestling Radio
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