Review of Get Smart

Get Smart (2008)
Kahli & Rock & whatever
20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wanted to see Hellboy II today but the free passes I had did not include movies in their first 2 weeks- so I opted to watch Get Smart instead- the price was right.I did not hate the movie and Steve Carrell and Anne Hathaway did a good job as the leads.What made the movie fun was the ensemble cast with funny quips from Alan Arkin,Terry Crewes,Patrick Wharburton and Dwayne Johnson.Terrance Stamp was excellent as always as the villain.Former WWE champion Dalip Singh is also in the movie as a killer for Kaos- he kind of reminded me of Jaws from Moonraker- the first confrontation with him was even a parachute fight.This is mindless slapstick fun- nothing memorable nor did it forever tarnish the vague memories I have of the old show.Worth Netflixxing or a matinée if you are looking for some lowbrow shenanigans.The highlight(maybe lowlight) was seeing a preview for the remake of Deathrace 2000. C+ Jobber Joe Roundtable Wrestling Radio
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