Scott Peterson
25 January 2009
I live in the UK as well. I heard the story through the National Enquire. I was really upset to read that someone could do that to their loved one. I have the Dean Cain film on this story as well as Amberty Frey: Witness for the prosecution's of Scott Peterson as well as the amber Frey book. Both the film and book by Amber Frey explain the missing pieces from the dean Cain version off. The Amber Frey has her version of accounts and it follows the trial right to the end. I would recommend that you watch the amber Frey film as it would give you a better understanding of what happened.

Scott Peterson started an affair with Amber Frey but he started to lie to her. Unbeknowen to amber he was already married to lacy and due a baby with her any day. Amber then find out about Scott and lacy. Amber's story is all about how she tried to help find lacy. and bring Scott to the police. As well as telling her versions of events that happened from the time she met Scott till his trial of which came back the verdict of Scott getting sentenced to death . He is currently awaiting death row at San Quentin State Prison. When it is time for him to receive his death sentience by Lethal Injection. it is not know when.
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