Curse of the Zodiac (2007 Video)
Where can you join the Curse of the Zodiac support group?
30 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had a root canal (four-root molar) the morning I rented this movie. Feeling totally awful, and acting under the theory that if you get stung by a wasp when you're up on the roof shingling you can reduce the sting's pain by hammering your thumb, I checked out this flick that evening. Its 1.2 of 10 IMDb rating is the lowest I have ever run across (apparently a film needs more than 500 "votes" in order to make this site's rankings of "worst movies of all-time"). Guess what? I actually was distracted from my dental anguish a smidgin (though the Screen Actors Guild will need to conduct a double blind study to scientifically verify whether "Ullicillan" will work for the general public). Unfortunately, my wife envied the lady commenting here who joined her husband in ejecting COZ after 30 minutes. I really pity the bloke who paid $7.50 to buy this on DVD and then quit watching after a quarter hour, and wonder if the glutton for punishment who EVEN LISTENED TO THE DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY had to be distracted from worse pain than mine (hopefully "sexytail from Washington" hadn't been stung by 10 wasps, as were the nuns in Ken Russell's 1971 masterpiece THE DEVILS!). For what it's worth, I'll correct a few misconceptions included in the other comments.

That "annoying German voice" (to use sexytail's description) who talks like a "a sex offender with Tourette's Syndrome" (to paraphrase Wayne Eames) and "overdubs" COZ actually is a drunken director Ulli Lommel (Rick van Cleef is the lame pseudonym he slapped on the credits as the "Voice of the Zodiac") muttering to himself in the editing room about how little usable footage he obtained for his $2 million (!) budget. In other words, he beats us to it when he keeps calling HIMSELF a "fat f**k" as this garbage unspools. Though Ulli gives himself a writing credit, it's also obvious nearly every scene is poorly improvised by people who would have been better off in acting class than in front of Lommel's camera. (If you need further proof, just check out the second of two scenes in the five minutes of so-called "bonus footage," where the pimp in the cat-in-the-hat head gear yanks out his cell phone to wrap up his improvisation, and you can hear "fat f**k" Ulli's voice in the background moaning "they didn't have cell phones in the 1970's.")

P.S.--And to Sir Joseph (the only one of the 13 previous commenters here who scored COZ higher than a "1"; Joe gave this mess a "7," leading one to wonder if any of the previous movies he's seen are even legal in the United States), send me that "$200 camcorder" and my circle will make something a thousand time more interesting than COZ!
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