Review of Power

Smallville: Power (2009)
Season 8, Episode 13
By far the worst episode of the series
31 January 2009
This is a rant about the ridiculousness that Smallville has become. If you're a die hard fan who gives out 10's no matter what, don't bother reading this review. If you are a rational person who hates abysmal story lines such as the one the show has taken, you may find comfort in reading the rantings of a fellow disgruntled viewer.

Firstly, this is not a 1.0 episode, it's a 3.0 episode. I'm scoring it a little lower to off balance one of the people that gives this show a 10 no matter what. As far as watching a show goes, I watch the 1.0 shows as much as I do the 3.0 shows ( I watch them as little as possible ).

Last week, fans everywhere moaned when Clark kissed Lana, and they had the "potential relationship moment" for about the 100th time in the series. You can look at last weeks review for more of the tragedy of that horse.

This week, that was the entire episode, moaning of the fans. It culminates in Lana gaining super powers, and ends with the potential relationship moment. They could have made this a 7 or an 8, if at the end of the episode when Lana professed her undying love for Clark, if Clark had said something such as "I love you Lana, I always will, but there's someone else... when we were together last year, we weren't that happy together, it's time to let each other go" and then he walks away.

That would have restored some of my faith in the series. Instead, they took the route of Superman Returns and had a ridiculous storyline. "Superman has a illegitimate child and Lois Lane doesn't know Superman=Clark". "Superman over the last 8 years can't get over his first girlfriend so he and Lana have potential relationship moments until the end of time". They may have just as well named the series "Are Clark and Lana going to get together" than "Smallville".

This season had so much potential. What about Doomsday, where's he been the last 2 episodes? What about Lois? I thought she was a full time cast member now, why do non-cast members such as Lana get 2-3 episodes a season dedicated to them and not Lois? They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one. They would have been better off just leaving Lana gone, since the writers don't know how to handle her.

I've watched every episode of this series, I started watching it in 2003 when the 3rd season began. After more than 5 years, I think I'm about done with this show. It's odd how the CW built up to the best episode of the series (Bride), and then totally destroyed the series by bringing back Lana and having these crazy a$$ story lines about her and Clark.
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