Terminal Invasion (2002 TV Movie)
Invasion of the Body Things Again, in One Room
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to add to the bad reviews. This film is terminal. This film contains nothing but spoilers.

This goes to show how expectations can ruin a poor movie.

1) To start, major disappointment the "terminal" is not an airport, but a room in the middle of nowhere.

2) Second major disappoint: You know from the start the whole film will not leave that damn room. similar to what some features from Full Moon Studios threaten to do, yet I think they always manage to leave it.

Looking bad so far...

3) And you also know pretty early it is a total talk fest, with no action.

4) You also know it is purely derivative - or pure dribble.

I thought there was one decent line in the whole movie, for that was the only one with some thought, not a cliché. At the end, but I will spoil it for you.

When the police siren is heard by the criminal, he says, "They're playing my song." (But maybe I haven't seen the movie it was stolen from.)

The only shock was that Sean S. Cunningham directed it.

At least other Sci-fi Channel pics have interesting CGI monsters, action, and some tension.
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