Feast 2b
10 March 2009
Filmed back-to-back with Feast II, this one continues where part II left off but this one has a couple of surprises. It starts with yet another unnecessary disgusting scene. There's a silly intro presenting us all the characters with some lines that don't really do much to describe them but make clear that this movie will be all about who ends up alive or dead. The group of survivors from part II decide to come down from the roof, when a stranger arrives crashing into the jail. He's all action and wants to shoot his way out of town. But out of the suddenly something hilariously surprising happens and that plan cannot be carried out.

They end up splitting and some find a buried bus that they then use to get to the surface but the bus, of course, dies and they're back on the streets. This bus scene is poorly conceived, executed, and shot. There's even dirt on the camera lens. When almost all seems lost a strange character appears who can control the monsters- or so it appears. He guides them into the sewers.

In the sewers they run into a karate kid, who also meets an outrageously funny fate. But there are also some type of partying cannibal people making things difficult. And suddenly, as if 10 minutes of the movie were missing, they're back on the surface.

This movie adds some interesting characters because part II sorely lacked them and also some funny twists. The ugly chick who was the main character isn't so important here, thankfully. In fact, there is no main character. And the monsters who were scary in part I are reduced to bad latex jokes and the story often makes no sense.
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